Some Fun Stats While I Retire From Forza Horizon 4
Back in October 2018, Forza Horizon 4 dropped on the marketplace and as with the past three games in the series, I was completely hooked. This new one looked great, added weekly season changes with tons of unlockable cars. It was a game that stuck with me throughout the years. No matter what the new hotness was, I would always find myself coming back to Forza Horizon 4 to dabble and unlock more challenges.
But as with many things, it has to come to an end, and in the case of Horizon 4, it is because Forza Horizon 5 is coming out in less than a month and will be taking us to Mexico. Honestly, it probably would not be a goodbye, except I need the premium disk space due to it being a requirement to install on said premium disk space.
As I mentioned on the upcoming You Like the Worst Stuff podcast, I had some fun little numbers to show the progress in the game. I have spent 46 hours driving around the British countryside, owned 538 cars in my garage, and had earned just under 74 million credits. My most popular car was a 2004 Honda Civic, my most valuable car was a Alfa Romeo P3, and my most successful car was a Fiesta ST RX43. Oh yeah, I loved driving around the most to the Horizon Pulse radio station.
You can see more of the stats from my years in Forza Horizon 4 below. And yes, I did prestige and hit level 200 and reset the counter.