My Top Ten for 2023
Because everyone loves lists, I figured that I would once again drop my top ten games that I played in 2023. Now I should set some rules. Because this is my list, I am putting the games that I played in 2023. Most of these will be from 2023, but you might see some stuff that showed up towards the end of 2022. That is because I didn’t get to the game until this year. So when you see a game from the end of 2022, you have a reason why and you won’t bomb me with responses saying “X game didn’t come out this year!!!!”. Cool beans. Go make your own list with your own rules. Anyway, onto the list!
![]() | 10. Starfield | I really enjoyed my time with Starfield. At least the stuff that I have played through so far. It has its faults, like the lack of ground vehicles, and the copious amounts of fast travel. But I am enjoying the story and I like the universe. |
![]() | 9. Chinatown Detective Agency | This was such a fantastic game. You are tasked with solving several mysteries, but it comes off as more of a really hard Carmen Sandiego game. Yes, note that I spent 25 minutes figuring out what European capitol a stamp was calling out from 1922. If you want a great game that will make you think, this is it. |
![]() | 8. Thirsty Suitors | This was a game that I have been waiting to come out and when it did, it did not disappoint. I appreciated the silly combat, the funny interactions with your parents, and the different exes that you have to defeat. It is a great indie experience. |
![]() | 7. Texas Chain Saw Massacre | Friday the 13th was one of my sleeper hit games over the last few years, and Texas Chain Saw Massacre is from the same development team. They cleaned up the bugs and made a solid asymetrical horror survival game that rivals Dead by Daylight in my opinion. |
![]() | 6. Deliver Us Mars | It what looks to be the middle of a trilogy, Deliver Us Mars actually gives us a protagonist with a face, and a far more connected story than Deliver Us The Moon. I liked what we got with the ending, and it sets us up for one hell of a final game in the series if it happens. |
![]() | 5. Gotham Knights | I was really down on this game when it happened, but it has had one hell of a resurgence in 2023 for me. I cannot get enough of it. I find the combat fun, and unlocking new suits and weapons has become a game in and of itself for me. Now can I finish it before the end of the year! |
![]() | 4. Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo | This one was another adventure game that I think dropped in late 2022, but I picked it up on sale in early 2023, and it was a great homage to the Vertigo movie. I loved the characters, the story and the way it comes together at the end. Tons of twists and all of them are really good. |
![]() | 3. HiFi Rush | This game was announced and dropped out of nowhere and was a fun breath of fresh air. Loved the art style, loved the combat. I just feel bad that I haven't finished it. That is my goal in the next two weeks, but if you have Game Pass, play this game. If you don't, buy it! |
![]() | 2. Marvel Midnight Suns | Another late 2022 game that I waited to buy in 2023. This one had me on the fence, because I am not a big card game battle fan. But put a coat of Marvel paint on it, and I am at least willing to try it out. Now I am 66 hours in and loving every minute of it. It can be frustrating at times, but if you take time to plan and plot, you will find a fantastic game. You can also make comic covers with the characters! |
![]() | 1. Star Trek Resurgence | This was the best game that I played all year. Not only was it a fantastic Star Trek experience, it was a great adventure game experience. Loved the deep cut on Star Trek lore with the Tkon. The cameos were solid and the main characters were so much fun to play. I only wish that they put out DLC story content or a sequel at some point. |